{{:sir-mig:sir-mig.png?400 |}} ====== SIR - Multiple Initial Guesses (MIG) ====== ====== Monte-Carlo Simulation ====== * The simulation is constructed the following way: {{ :sir-mig:mc.png?400 |}} * This can be done for as many numbers as needed. The code will do the following - Create Models as described in the section //Constructing Models//. - Synthesise the models to produce Stokes Profiles. - Add Noise to the profiles. - Invert the noisy profiles to get an Inversion Model. ====== Constructing Models ====== * [[:sir-mig:temperature|Temperature]] * [[:sir-mig:randomisation|Randomisation of Parameters]] ====== Adding Noise ====== * Noise is added by assuming a normal distribution with a given width $\sigma$ for each Stokes Parameter. ====== Inversion ======